Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 29

Blood/sugar 3.6, BP 117/77 pulse 75. Weight 96.1 kg, again another half a kilo, so down 17kg since day 1.
Ketones 16 mmol/L. I'm not going to bother with the waist measurement, it doesn't reflect what's actually happening. Not yet anyway.

Strange day today. Did nothing except talk to a friend on the phone for 2 hours. Absolutely nothing. What a waste of a good day. Slept most of it.

There is something I wanted to clarify. I think George RR Martin's god of many faces describes the various religions not the fact that we are all part of God and as such are God. Compared to the size of the Universe we would appear to be inconsequential but because the at the centre of all rotating objects from a galaxy to a star to a planet to a atom there exists a zero point, a Singularity that doesn't revolve, where Nothing exist, then in a fractal universe everything should exist inside everything else. There is only one Singularity and that same Singularity is at the centre of every atom everywhere. A black hole is merely the entrance to the Singularity. Inside the Singularity should be the Nothing. The No-thing. It's not there but from it comes everything. That's the totally amazing thing, God has to be the Nothing because only the Nothing can have always existed and should always exist. We are a product of the Nothing. Therefore we are the product of God and as such are God by extension. Nothing left here to discuss, Nothing et al.

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