Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 26 of a 42 day fast. 16 days left.

Christmas day in Sydney. Warm in the day, thunderstorms in the evening. Used the app 'Line' to video chat to my family in Japan for about 20 minutes, all free. Amazing.

Blood/glucose 4.5 mmol/L. BP 104/68, pulse 74. Brilliant. Weight 97.2 kg down 0.5. Weight loss rate slowing down by the looks of it. Ketones 16 mmol/L. Waist 44.5 inches.possibly down half an inch.

Dull pain on left side. Had a very small bowel movement today. Very small. Just took 6 sachets of Movicol and 600 ml of water. Might be an obstruction. Doubt it is a kidney stone with so much Allopurinol in my system knocking out the uric acid, which is a major cause of kidney stones I believe. Anyway see tomorrow how I go.

I had a pleasant surprise today. I was reading the China Daily English edition yesterday and I saw a story about the arrest of Jackie Chans actor/singer son Jaycee, aged 32. He's been in prison awaiting trial for 4 months for possession of a small amount of marijuana. His father and he supposedly don't  have much to do with each other but Jackie Chan still apologised for his son's behaviour. Jackie has been the official Chinese anti-drug ambassador since 2009. Adding to that Beijing police say they have a list of 120 famous young entertainers who they are planning on arresting for drug use. I left a comment regarding the Primary Fundamental Right and to my surprise it was printed today after passing their censor.

"bernardpalmer wrote 2014-12-24 22:06
Jackie Chan doesn't need to apologise for his son's behaviour. The Chinese government needs to apologise for letting stupid policemen target young artists. We are all born with an innate right to own our own bodies. What we do TO those bodies is our business only."
Maybe there's hope yet for a freer China. Nuh. Not while it's run by Communists. That would be a contradiction in terms.

Yesterday I wrote that I love coincidences and I'm always seeing them. Now coincidences are not supposedly random events but just a mathematical certainty, almost occurring on cue. This may be true but sometimes the event is too spectacular and too precise to be a series of waves converging. In my view there is often something deeper in them. A causality. A possibility that the observer causes the event. Something like a search engine. You request something and you are inundated with a spectrum of huge amounts of related information. It's like opening a new window to another world but you yourself built the window possibly using your thirst for knowledge. This implies that there is a reward system imbedded into the matrix of the universe.

'God helps them who help themselves'. 'He who dares wins'. Could it be the universe loves a seeker of knowledge. And isn't knowledge a form of power or energy?

But why?  Out of all the different creatures on this planet why are we humans equipped with a brain capable of solving immense riddles? Are we here to do a job? Or are we here because of a progression of survival events? Or both even. Religious people say we are here to do Gods bidding, like attendants hovering around doorways. No way. That denies us the fillip that we are all God. And because we are God that means we created ourselves. Somehow. But how?

Normally when I come to a wall like this I give up. Impenetrable. This is where marijuana was so useful to me. A steroid to help me win the race. There is no such thing as cheating in the universe or sin for that matter, just progress.

Logic doesn't work here now. This is a different zone. Here we rely on serendipity, another name for coincidence. Though the question is still-- 'but how'?

42 what?
42 days?

Too cute..

Oh and by the way, as far as I know I did win the race. I'm the only person I've ever heard of who has lived to tell the tale after seeing a reflection of the face of God. Our face. Right God?

Now help me out with this one. Help myself?

I am.

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