Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 23.

Blood/glucose 4.9. BP 119/77. Pulse 76. Waist still 47 inches. Weight. 97.6 kg.  Ketones 16 mmol/L.

Entered a hiatus by the looks of it. Though a female customer complimented me today on my slimmer body.

19 days left to go.

Was working in Woollahra today so I went to Victor Churchill the Butcher. They have a doorman dressed in period piece and lots of helpful staff. In fact at one point there we're more 'helpers' than customers. I wanted to see their pork chops because they are advertised as a charcuterie meaning pork butchers as well as makers of other fine delicacies. The chops looked a lot like Coles but with a lot more fat, but their beef---I have never seen anything like their steaks. They were amazing. More marbled than you could imagine. Unbelievable. And so was the price. All around $200-300 a kg. But well worth it.

I've been learning on You Tube how to cook a steak properly so I might just treat myself to one of those little rippers. After paying $209 for a 5 kg goose which Stella cooked so beautifully a few months ago $100 for a steak is going to be frugal.

It's a real experience to go there. I lived in Spicer street behind it for about 6 months and I never saw it before today.

I'm preoccupied with food I know but I don't actually feel hungry. The amazing allopurinol. Love that word amazing.

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