Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 17.

BP 118/74 Pulse 78. Wow.  Weight 100kg!!!. I've lost 13 kg in 17 days. That's 28.6 lb for imperialists.

Today I saw faintly my long lost 6 pack. It's still there, just hidden. Ketones have reached about 1.0 mmol/L.

Blood/glucose 4.1 mmol/L. I'm supposed to call the doctor under 4.5 but I feel fine. Had a busy day in work today. Pants feeling very loose had to tighten up 2 notches. Waist now 47 inches again. Strange how the stomach stays inflated.

This is my 5th fast. Previously I've done 5 days, 10, 20,and 30. On the 30 day I lost 20 kg. Can't remember the others. This is why I'm keeping a log on this one. Supposedly the longest recorded fast is 382 days with 125 kg lost.

Forgot to mention 5 days ago I had 1 multivitamin, otherwise nothing but water.

On the first of March 2001 I put on line a petition against the War on Drugs and I called it the Primary Fundamental Right. That month I had 38 signatures. The next month 90. After that it petered off. So far there has been just 1 in the last 3 years. But that's okay. I think it might be too dangerous to sign it now.

I had one guy ask me to remove his name because he was running for office which I did. I thought that was amusing, a possible political representative not wanting to be associated with supreme liberty. A sign of the times.

The idea was to get the names of 1 million signers on a CD rom to petition the White House to recognize that we all innately and therefore legally own our own bodies and as such can do what we like TO those bodies without being arrested. It was an apparent failure but something interesting came out of it.

In the movie the Matrix, Neo tries to wake people up to the idea that they are slaves. Literally wake them up. This is what the Primary Fundamental Right is designed to do, wake people up. Truth is people don't want to be woken up, they like being slaves. That's all they know. The majority just don't want to be disturbed.

At the time my daughters were attending a private school and my 10 year old was friends with the daughter of  Hugo Weaving the actor who played the antagonist Agent Smith to Keanu Reeves 'Neo'. Both being English sometimes when he was off location we used to chat whilst waiting for our daughters to appear. Point being we were familiar with each other.

During one summer I took the family to Movie World on the Gold Coast and there I found a pair of sunglasses that looked much the same as those worn by Neo. This made me realize that in a sense I was 'Neo' and so I enjoyed wearing them. One day at a school athletics meet and wearing the glasses I passed a heavily bearded chap who pointed and laughed at me for some reason. Later I  realized it was Hugo so later I gave him a copy of  'What is Primary Fundamental Right?' and asked him to pass it on to the screen Neo next time he saw him. He said okay if he ever saw him again but who knows.

Now think of the odds. Agent Smith and I being together. Surreal.


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