Saturday, September 5, 2015

About 2 more weeks have passed since my last post and I can still feel something painful in my inner thigh that feels like whatever a contemplating blood clot must feel like. 'Will I or won't I move? Which way to the heart?'

I've been panicking  "I won't have enough time to save the world" sort of argument  but I've been sleeping most of the time anyway.

Since my retirement I have little energy to do anything much.

And with that...back to sleep.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's now just over 3 weeks since my possible death sentence was proclaimed. Still sans rat poison.

I should be philosophical about this and just assume I live forever but the dent in the boot of my new car is reminding me that I'm supposedly not perfect whilst my ego is also dented by the outrage known as modern medicine. As a Darwinian hero I accept my genome has flaws, I mean it's malleable to some extent, and open to some revision but the fact I would have died from peritonitis at age 14 had I been born 30 years earlier doesn't make me want to thank medico's but instead acknowledge I gave science the opportunity to prove its worth on my festering innards. So the world should also thank the horse that threw me on my back and me for having a perfectly timed ripened appendix otherwise this blog would be empty.

And we all know the world needs more blogs.

I mean this juggernaut of pharmaceutical snake oil is withholding many of us from Nirvana, those of us who use it that is and assuming there is such a heaven. Unless we are already in Heaven and illness and death and mayhem come with the heaven package deal. Yes God killing God. God dispensing rat poison to God the rat. Now it makes sense again.

Today I made a comment on a US  TV website regarding Molly Shattuck the poor woman (actually she's probably quite rich) who has been publicly shamed for giving a 15 year old boy a blow job. She has also been ordered to pay his parents a fee of $10,000. But the most beautiful part of this saga for me was the American football tactic of having her female friends surround her and attack the SUS  SEX courthouse in step.Sus being the operative word here. I made some remark about the 'phalanx supporting the phallus' and left a link to the PFR and it was rejected for some strange reason.

Eggs benedict with salmon would be nice right now.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Well don't want to be too optimistic but things are looking pretty good.

No deterioration of the pulmonary system other than my bronchitis has gone up a notch but the antibiotics seem to be working.

Regarding my approaching opiate addiction.

When I used to attend AA meetings you'd often come across multidisciplinary individuals who also had drug and gambling habits and were usually dissuaded from airing all their laundry as the AA crowd are a bit possessive about the order of hierarchy. But I loved the gamblers. They often had a swagger about them and they dressed beautifully. And the balls. OMG. Their stories are a mathematician's wet dream, not that I remember any but their devotion to their craft outperformed the alcoholic any day.

Those guys who had gone through 2 or 3 family homes including those of the parents and the grandparents were my favorites. They were so confident they would triumph again and their families obviously believed them. They are the epitome of Churchill's heavenly epigraph, 'Never ever give up'. These people are probably the backbone of the stock market. You could sometimes see them down the racetrack edging close to the big financiers looking for that secret tip. I was often surprised at the camaraderie between these different social strata.  As a boy I watched my father the tailor mingle many times with the high and mighty. A good tip has avid listener's.

But the drug addicts.
They come in 2 classes. Lost and almost lost.

Lost probably never attend meetings. They stay out working the streets. Their time is short. They won't be around too long so they have to keep busy I guess. I also guess the dedicated drug addict often OD's somewhere. Death is the reward for living right on the edge.
Almost lost sometimes you'd find them at meeting hoping to either sell or score. But the thing that struck me about drug addicts I've met was their apparent above average intelligence. They appeared smart in my frame of reference.

So what came first , the smarts or the addiction?

Hopefully I'll soon find out real soon whilst backed up by my innate Primary Fundamental Right to do what I like to my own body.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Today I got a quote to cremate me.

Concept Funerals of Hurstville quoted me $2790. Unfortunately they wouldn't accept pre payment which I needed them to do to offset my tax liabilities. They advised me to put the money into a funeral account which I did.  Maybe that's good, especially if I survive. The director Greg Brownless is very nice. 612 9553 8882.

So where do I go from here?

I feel a lot better this evening but that is no indication of my actual condition. This clot is still there and I can feel it.

I've probably got the money to do virtually anything but the only thing I'd like to do is maybe smoke some hashish laced with a bit of opium. It's 27 years since I last partook of alcohol, caffeine or any recreational drugs. I knew them all well, they were my good friends for a long time. We had some great times together.

I'd probably have to fly to Afghanistan to find Kabul. Can't really be bothered going that far. Might not make it anyway. I want it to come to me.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

6 days since the cramp attack.

Just had a shooting pain in my right arm. Never had that before. My right thigh is painful on the inside.

This is oh so scarey.

Just heard that Cilla Black the English singer has just died in her sleep at age 72 of apparently natural causes.
Wonder if there was a clot involved?                                                                                                           Could there be a pandemic of clot deaths that are called natural causes?

I wonder if she was on rat poison?

Did Blood/sugars today.  8.2 mmol/L  good. Definately not diabetic.  Weight back up at my usual 113 kg.
BP 161/86  pulse 108. The pulse probably shows my anxiety levels.

Every five minutes someone dies from a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis

March 5, 2011
Vascular Disease Foundation
Each year between 100,000-180,000 Americans die as the result of pulmonary embolism, a complication from blood clots in the lungs. The Vascular Disease Foundation urges Americans, especially women, to learn about the risks of venous blood clots to help prevent these deaths. While men and women are at equal risk, the risk for deep vein thrombosis, or blood clots, varies depending on where a woman is in her lifecycle, her hormone levels, and if she has a family history of clotting disorders.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wow. Still here.

Spoke to ex-wife about the blood clot problem. She's a nurse. Told me her husband painfully died from DVT  2 days after suffering leg cramps.

What gives with these leg cramps? With me I like to stretch out after waking up. Who would have thought cramps can be so deadly. And no explanation except possible lack of magnesium and or potassium.

Still not taking the rat poison thinners. Scary scary. Reminds me of the original Aids medicine AZT. According to Duesberg in 'Inventing the Aids Virus' it was the AZT that killed the patients not the non existent Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I'm hoping this is the same here. Poor Mark took the thinners.

If at some future time I've failed to post then...bye. I love all my babies.

It's said nothing concentrates the mind more than immanent death.

If I have to go that's all there is to it though I did want to travel to Mars again via Kabul before I went.
Are well, 150 mg of codeine will have to do for now.

I firmly believe that one day the PFR will be entrenched in all User Pays societies. It's the only way forward if slavery is to be avoided..

My Body. My Business.

Also a version of my patent system and Real Bills will be needed to get the world's economies up after they collapse. Gold as money works best with discount not interest.

Friday, July 31, 2015

The new water fast lasted all of 3 hours.

I just spoke with an old friend in WA who had also been close to death some 20 years earlier but with a brain tumor.
He survived and prospered.

He had for many years been a church minister, CoE I think, but had seen the light and followed it away from the church. Only idiots are religious. No independently minded person can possibly be a church goer unless they are a priest and their flock is their personal prey. That I don't mind. They're there to be beaten and eaten after all. They think they deserve it the poor fools.

Just look at the Roman Catholic gang of pediphiles. And still the parents trust their young with these idiot monsters. If ever a church needed to be destroyed it is the RC (pronounced arse, what they prefer). I hope in my lifetime to see that happen which could mean it has to happen over the next 4 days. C'mon God. You can do it! I believe in you as long as you believe in me.

He had suggested I eat lots of NZ butter. So I did.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

42 tablets for 21 days.

So far I've taken 2 tablets and this morning my gums were bleeding.

I think I've decided not to take anymore blood thinners. Instead I want to try and water fast for 21 days using allopurinol to take away the hunger.

I know. Sounds stupid.

Might be too late. Already getting small chest pains which could be the clots travelling up to my lungs and forming a Pulmonary Embolism. This is real heavy. I've got a good chance of dying here.Wish I hadn't taken those 2 tablets. The survival rate for this condition is about 30%.

My problem started with a right leg cramp so intense I thought it would take the muscle off the bone. I have a slight bronchitis and I needed some more allopurinol so I thought I'd ask about cramps treatment. Consequently ended up in hospital emergency with a 20 cm (8 inches) long clot extending up my calf and stopping behind my knee but even so the stoppage was allowing the blood to get through. My thinking is that if left there in situ it should probably clear itself away over time. Thinning the blood might cause it to separate from the vein wall and allow it to roam. This morning it feels as if it's higher up and already inside my thigh.

My thinking is that the cramp spasm has crushed the blood inside the vein which should be possibly no different than hitting a hand with a hammer, just longer. Maybe.

My left leg cramps up about once a month, no problem.

Here I am just about to explode onto the world stage and I've tripped up in the wings. My life long journey to universal stardom has suffered a hiatus just as I'm reaching to pull back the curtains and make my subdued but hopefully grand entrance. What a bummer. And I just about got rid of my stage fright. I can thank standing up and delivering content at AA meeting mostly for that. What a training program. Probably helps with acting skills as well. A real audience not one made from clouds. Great stories to be heard.. Sometimes.

Just took 90 mg of codeine.

Day 10 of my new retired life and already swiftly approaching death.

2 days ago I was diagnosed with DVT, deep vein thrombosis. I am reluctantly taking a drug called Rivaroxaban to thin down my blood. I'm a bit scared. Not sure what to do. The doctor gave me 42 tablets. I'm sure I'm missing something here.


Day 1 of my new life.

Today the 20 July 2015 is the first day of my official retirement.

Last Friday I was laid off along with 3 other photocopier technicians. Mine was a happy event being 71.5 years old. It was apparently a little traumatic for 2 of the others but the third person who is an old cunt like me was also very happy. Actually I neither feel nor look my age and the closest I think I've ever got to being a cunt was 33 years ago when I gave away the opportunity to have a real love affair with a girl from the Caribbean who had amazing vaginal muscles but instead decided to stay with a wife who didn't love me nor I her.

This was one of the great mistakes of my life. One of those sort of things it would be good to change should it ever be possible. As it was we split up 6 months later after we returned to Sydney from London. We were both on empty and our 2 little girls were glad to be back or so I tell myself.

Things turned out okay though. It always does.

Monday, June 1, 2015

day 21 R

Blood/glucose 5 0

Weight 112 .2 kg

BP 154/87 pulse 91 who knows

Sunday, May 31, 2015

day 20  R

Blood/glucose 7.8  Good enough for me on a Sunday morning.

Weight  don't care

BP too cold to undress. I feel fine.

7 pm

Blood/glucose 9.1  Must lay off the pizza.

BP 144/82 pulse 89

Weight  113.5 kg

Saturday, May 30, 2015

sat day 19 R

7 am. Ate last night

weight  110 kg

Blood/glucose  7.8. Good

BP  141 76 Pulse 85  Amazing

Eating all day...

9:30 pm

Weight 112 kg good gain

BP  160/70 pulse 76

Blood/glucose 11.4 wow. Everything gone bad. But the food was good and when I fast on Monday and Tuesday all will be good again.

Friday, May 29, 2015

day 18 R

Weight 109.8 kg

BP 160/78 pulse 75   Early morning BP

Blood/glucose  7.1 interesting seeing as I haven't eaten for 36 hours

Thursday, May 28, 2015

day 17 R  7 am Fasting

Day 16 missed.

Blood/glucose  7.4

BP  149/92  pulse 71

Weight  110 kg

11 pm

Weight 110.8 kg strange

BP 151/85 pulse 74 tolerable

Blood/glucose 5.7 wonderful

Weight hovers around 110 kg while BP is fairly normal and blood/glucose shows promise but I guess the diabetes is still there.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

day 15  R

7 pm

Weight  110 kg again

Blood/glucose  8.6  Been eating all day

BP 149/73 pulse 9

Monday, May 25, 2015

day 14  R

8.15 am

Weight  110.2

BP  154/83 pulse 76

Blood/glucose  6.7

7 pm

BP 150/88  Pulse 84

Weight 110.2 kg

Blood/glucose 5.2

I ate at 7.30 pm

12 midnight

Blood/glucose 8.7

BP  130/63 pulse 100  what the hell...

Weight  111 kg.  Didn't eat that much.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

day 13 Revised meaning 2 day fast 2 day feast but in this case it is a 3 day feast so today I try for a 3 day fast, so, I eat next on Tuesday night, today being Sunday.

7.30 am

Blood/glucose  7.9 okay I suppose, no drugs taken except Allopurinol and codeine for my leg.

BP 145/89 Pulse 75 not so okay but should have a big drop later if day 11 is anything to go by.

Weight 109.8

2.45 pm

Blood/glucose  5.5  wow

BP  133/77 pulse 70 as expected. 12/12

Weight   108.2 interesting

10 pm

Blood/glucose  5.8

Weight 108.5

BP 140/75 pulse 78

Nothing eaten today.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

day 12 R
9 am

Weight 109 kg  Up 1 kilo from yesterday.

BP 144/82 Pulse 72  Lover Lee.

Blood/glucose 7.4


Friday, May 22, 2015

DAY 11 r

8 am

Weight  108.8 kg

BP 157/93 Pulde 97

Blood/glucose  7.3

7.30 pm

Was tempted by food and ate something delicious. Will repent tomorrow.

Blood/glucose 11.8

Weight  108 kg

BP   136/77 pulse 96   This blows me away. A 21/16 point drop from 12 hours ago.

So far lost 10 kg in 11 days and ate well for 6 of them.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

day 10 R
lost day 9 somewhere

7.45 am

Weight 111 kg

Blood/sugar 8.4

BP  158/81 pulse 80

Excellent except for BP

9 pm

eight 110.5 kg  OMG...

BP 131/70 Pulse 92

Blood/glucose  7.9 and I've had 2 meals today and ice cream. Wow Just allopurinol, no other drugs.

Monday, May 18, 2015

day 8 R

7 am

Weight 112 kg

Blood/glucose  7.2

BP  141/87 pulse 86

All looking good.

Start 2 day fast today.

6.15  pm

Blood/sugar 6.9

BP  130/79 pulse 89

Weight 111.8 lovely

had a teaspoon of mashed potato tonight

Sunday, May 17, 2015

day 7 R


Blood/glucose 9.2

weight 111.5 kg. Big drop literally and literary.

BP 155/80 pulse 77. Sad.

11 pm

Blood/glucose 9.4 had 1 metformin 1000mg 2 hours ago so I could empty the packet.

BP 144/80 Pulse 83

Weight  113.2.-- 1.7 kg gain in 14 hours

Tomorrow I start another 2 day fast.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

day 6 R


Had dinner last night.

Blood/glucose 9.3
forgot to do weight and BP

Ate 3 meals today

1 am

Weight 133.5 kg

Blood/glucose 14.2

BP160/84 pulse 95

Bad bad bad. All bad. But interesting.

Discovered Kary Mullis web site tonight. Wow.

day 5 of revised..

10 am

Blood/glucose 7.4 an increase of 1.8 in the last 11 hours though I haven't eaten anything. Strange brew look what's inside of you. Maybe the potassium dye.

Weight 113 kg same as last night.

BP 140/84 pulse 80 a little bit more than last night but still good.

Will eat again tonight. Allopurinol 600 mg a day. Stopped taking Metformin against doctors advice. Want to see if its the cause of my lactic acid type pain in my left thigh. Having a nuclear scan in 30 minutes to see if it is bone cancer.

Negative. Nothing a good shot of cortisone won't fix.

Blood/glucose 6.1. Yipee.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

day 4 of revised...

Missed day 3 but ate breakfast lunch and dinner and at end of day had a high blood/glucose 12.1, weight increase of 0.3 kg and high BP.

Today  8 am. Blood/glucose 11.5, BP 159/93 pulse 90 weight back to 115 kg. Going to fast till Friday night (48 hours).

2 pm   Blood/glucose 7.9  BP 140/77 pulse 86. Brilliant. So high blood pressure can be reversed by fasting for 18 hours, maybe even less. Amazing.

11 pm
Blood/glucose  5.6
BP 136/86 pulse 73
Weight 113 kg. Lost 2 kg in 15 hours. A fast fast.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

day 2 of revised dieting fasting whatever.

No food. 250 mls water

9 am

Blood/glucose 7.1 same as last night


Blood/glucose  6.1 no meds except the allopurinol and some pain killers and antibiotics for chest infection.

BP  141/78 Pulse 82.  Just about perfect. What the hell. After just 2 days of fasting my BP and B/G are normal?

Weight 113.3 kg a loss of 4.2 kg in 2 days and a loss of 1.7 kg in 24 hours. Very interesting.

Ketones 0.

We have a guest staying over tonight. I might eat some dinner. I last ate Sunday night 7 pm. Was planning to eat lunch tomorrow. Maybe fast 2 days then eat 2 days alternate?

Ate full meal 9 pm. Now 11.30 pm.

Blood/glucose 8.4

BP 141/75  pulse 96 still good

Weight  114.6 -- 1.3 kg gain since 6 pm. Meal weight about 300 gms, drank about 200mls of water and some milk. Also had a small bowel movement, mainly fluid 300 mls. Urine about 200 mls so cancel each other out. 500 gms in,  500 gms out. So where did the 1.3 kg gain come from? Breathing? If you can breathe out fat (fluid) maybe it's possible to breathe it in after eating.

Monday, May 11, 2015

day 1 of a revised method of fasting.

Monday morning 8am AEST

BP 156/88/ pulse 81  
Blood/glucose 9.2
Weight 117.5 kg

Going to try something else to get my weight down. Not sure what I'm doing yet.

In the beginning of this year I water fasted for 42 days and lost 24 kg.

My diabetes was apparently gone when I last weighed 101 kg and without medication but for the past 2 weeks I'm taking 2000mg of  Metformin and sometimes 3000mg a day and the diabetes still seems out of control. Usually the readings are around 9 to 12.

13 hours later. Nothing to eat or drink except 600 mg Allopurinol and 90 mg codeine for leg pain. Last of the codeine.

BP   156/92 pulse 83 still bad
Blood/glucose  7.1- wow.
Weight  115. Lost 2.5 kg already and no bowel activity? Amazing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

 "..and I've got it in my head that the final Crunch is due in April, Mars time, "  Sat. 21 Feb Day 84

Well I know this may sound a bit weak but I'm thinking something significant happened last Thursday and Friday on the NY stock Exchange. (29th/30th April.)

There was a considerable drop in valuations across the board lasting the whole week then wham, on Friday they were all back up again as if nothing happened. Did a miracle happened or was it the work of the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) again?

The following week (5th May) the Australian Reserve Bank dropped interest rates to a new low of 2%. Something is definitely amiss in the US economy. Bill Gross thinks so as well.

"As it is, in 2015, I merely have a sense of an ending, a secular bull market ending with a whimper, not a bang. But if so, like death, only the timing is in doubt. Because of this sense, however, I have unrest, increasingly a great unrest. You should as well.
-William H. Gross"

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Today I reached my original weight of 113 kg, 112 days from when I started the 42 day fast. For the whole of March so far I have been hovering around 110 kg but today I made it back to the beginning weight I started with on the 30th November last year.

Also my blood/glucose is 10.3 mmol/L and BP 159/96 pulse 83. Bad. Not good. Interestingly my blood/glucose was 9.8 on the first day of the fast.

This afternoon I was talking to a sales assistant in a health food store. She knew about my 42 day fast and sort of scolded me, telling me that I would have lost heaps of muscle mass. It never happened that way. Once the fast finished the lost fluid came back with a rush, 8 kilo in 4 days and with very little food, and my muscles filled out as before. Gradually I returned all the water that I lost and I must say even though my stomach looks like it belongs to a silver back gorilla, I look pretty good, especially for a 71 year old gorilla. Quite muscular in fact.

Since then I have been looking at humans from a different direction. I now see them as hydraulic machines rather than just muscular ones, their strength reliant on how much red fluid they can pump into a muscle cell to expand it and using minimal effort or pressure to do so. Fascinating. Such a clever idea with the stomach probably acting as the hydraulic fluid reservoir ready to convert fat into water and gas as needed. So the conversion of triglyceride fats into water and CO2 is an ongoing thing and if not replenished by food intake a loss of weight ensues. Possibly.

Pushing the envelope. Always pushing the envelope. No fun otherwise. I realized today why we bend our heads forward when we eat. It's to reduce the possibility of choking from gravity putting the food into our airways I think. Maybe.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day  84   pf

Weight down to 106 kg. Blood/glucose 7.9 mmol/L. BP 139/90 pulse 84.

General health very good. I noticed in work I was at the top of my game for the last week or 2 as possibly never before. Fixing copiers is often an adrenolyne rush because it can be quite stressful and success is such a relief when you live with the fear of inconfidence. Such a pain in the arse is inconfidence though it does increase the resulting exhilaration I suppose.

Well this has been fun. In summary I see many benefits from my prolonged fast the most important of which appears to be the ability to have some extra control over diabetes and blood pressure without the use of ACT drugs and insulin producers. Not that I am against their use, no way. They are beneficially in many ways I am sure especially if fasting is not your forte.

To recap what I think and have come to believe is that the worldwide obesity epidemic is probably caused by the consumption of too much sugar in our modern diet in particular fructose which in turn produces many conditions that make us miserable. Being fat is being miserable.

Now because of this fast I feel like I have control over my body to the extent that I don't mind putting the weight back on because I know I can get rid of most of it within say 3 -4 weeks and save money in food bills. I deliberately didn't try to stay thin because I wanted to see the process of getting fat again and to record it for who knows what. I intend to keep the blog going but maybe not daily. I have other things to do. Sometimes.

Hurray for Allopurinol and Iodine 130 mg.

Now my wealth creation seems to have gone off track but the fear of failure is still there so at some point it should revive. Just not sure what to do to get peoples attention. I thought of going on a TV program such as Shark Bite but the process takes a few months supposedly and I've got it in my head that the final Crunch is due in April, Mars time, but anyway I couldn't see that working out even if I could get on. So I need to do something over the next 3 weeks otherwise a lot of people could be in serious and mine included.

So be it I guess. That's easier after all. Just give up.

But there again I'd love to build huge hotels about 350 kms up in the thermosphere, the Earth's 2nd highest atmosphere. What a view we would all have from the clear bottom swimming pools.

Hail the mighty Boxer.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day  83  pf

Last but one day, day penultimate. Horribly cumbersome word penultimate.

Weight down slightly, 106.5  kg.  Blood/glucose 7.6 mmol/L and BP 137/85 pulse 83.

Today I received an email from the ABC radio national.

"Dear Bernard,

Thank you very much for your information on Preeclampsia I have passed it on to the Health Report.


RN Listener Enquiries

+61 2 8333 2821 | connect with RN
About the ABC

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Palmer []
Sent: Thursday, 19 February 2015 2:13 AM
To: Radio National Enquiries
Subject: Preeclampsia

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by Bernard Palmer ( on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 02:13:27

program_name: The Health Report

comments: Last year I almost lost my daughter to preeclampsia.  The same week a mother of 3 who worked at our local supermarket died from its complications. Supposedly there is no known cure for this condition.  I would like you to read this NIH research paper showing that Allopurinol the medicine used for gout can treat this disease and to broadcast this fact.


We'll see where that goes.

Another interesting thing happened this week. In my final week as a photocopier repairman I was sent on Tuesday to a machine at the David Read Memorial Laboratory at the University of Sydney. 

Back in the early 1980's David Read was regarded by many SIDS researchers to be at the forefront of the pack trying to crack the mystery. On the off chance he'd speak to me I went to Sydney Uni late on a Friday afternoon. He  was very receptive and we talked about an hour. He said he thought I was correct in my hypothesis when I said that SIDS was caused the Diving Reflex and by the previously unknown action of the tongue acting as a valve and blocking the airways. He brought out autopsy photos of the babies trachea showing pink dots called petechiae as evidence of suffocation.

He was quite old, I guess in his 80's. He asked me to call him the following week without saying for what reason. When I called his upset secretary told me he had suddenly died a few days before.

He'd spent much of his life trying to find the cause of SIDS. My sentiment was that he was probably happy to go once he knew the answer.

This time while I was fixing their copier I began talking to a man in the office named Mark. I thought he was the IT guy because some one there was asking him IT questions. He said he was a researcher in Sleep Apnea so I told him the story of my last visit 30 years ago. While he was talking about his research I realized that sleep apnea could well be a form of Diving Reflex so I asked if any of his dead victims had petechiae. He said yes. 

So I told him about Richard Johnson's book 'The Fat Switch' and how he thought that Metabolic Syndrome was a form of hibernation and also I told him about Sam Parnia 'Dr. Lazarus' who could relive fat dead people intact as long as they had only been dead less than 6 hours. And then I told him that the SIDS diving reflex victims were probably still alive until their autopsy. He was visibly taken back a bit by that thought or so it appeared to me.

As I left I mentioned my instruction to my wife to bury me with my fully charged mobile phone, just in case. He made a meek sort of laugh.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 82   pf

Blood/glucose 8.2 mmol/L. Creeping up.   Weight 107.1 kg.   BP 138/82 pulse 83.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 81   pf

Here we go again . Weight 107.1 kg roughly 4 kg extra to haul around since day 73 and don't I notice it trying to put on my socks. Over the last 4 days I consumed about 10 litres of milk. The thirst for milk has been almost an addiction lately.

Blood/glucose 8.1 mmol/L just outside of almost perfect. Drum roll please.. BP 150/92 pulse 83. Back into the danger zone. I might have to fast again starting on day 85. We'll see. Either that or cut out the milk. It does make me bloat I notice.

No. I can't give up milk. It's so delicious. And only $1 a litre.

No aphorisms or anecdotes. Too fat too right.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

80th Day   pf

Well everything might be stabilizing again. Weight 105.6 kg.  Blood/glucose 7.9 mmol/L BP 148/76 pulse 80.

On 600 mg of Allopurinol again.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 79   pf

Weight 106.5 kg.  Same as yesterday. Blood/glucose 8.9 mmol/L. That's a bummer. BP 147/78 pulse 78.

Only 4 days left until my 3 month holiday maybe retirement? We'll see.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 78   pf

The decline continues.  Weight 106.5 kg. Blood/glucose 7.7 mmol/L. That's okay.  BP 146/79/ pulse 80.

I've been on 300 mg a day of Allopurinol. Upping it to 600 mg to see the effect on blood pressure.

Last week I took delivery of 154 tablets of Potassium Iodide 130 mg. They are listed by their US maker Iosat  as 'Thyroid Blocking in a Radiation Emergency Only.' One a day will supposedly protect against the nuclear fallout in the event of an all out shooting war. Not that I believe there is a chance there will be one while all contestants have an good chance of dying. Umm.

Iodine is a very interesting substance. Much more so than most other consumable substances.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 77   pf

Too tired. Blood\glucose 8.7 mmol/L. Bored somewhat as well.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 76

Only 8 days left to go and the rate I'm putting on weight should see me back at 113 kg within the 84 day time span.

Weight 105.1 actually its gone down half a kilo. BP 140/85 pulse 75 goodish. Blood/glucose 7.4 mmol/L.

Grandpa's all over the world dream of figures like that.

I heard a song today by 'One Direction' called 'Steal My Girl'. Being the author of the Primary Fundamental Right which states we all own our own bodies only so therefore we cannot own someone else thus enabling them to be 'stolen' from us. Though I'm sure the said girl in question would just love to be 'owned' by any of the wrong direction singers. For a while anyway.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 75   pf

Blood/sugar 6.4 mmol/L.  BP 139/76 pulse 85. Weight  105.6 kg. Watch the fat man grow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 74    pf

Wow.  Weight 105 kg.

Blood/glucose 9.2 mmol/L. My God.

BP 1454/84 pulse 83.

Day for reflection.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day  73    pf

Weight 103.4  kg. Insignificant change of 0.1 kg from yesterday.

Blood/glucose 8.6 mmol/L. Significant change. Danger ahead !!

BP 139/86 pulse 87.

My long service leave of 3 months starts on the 23 Feb which coincidently is the day I plan to halt this blog. Yesterday I was too busy to do much for myself about CashRamRealBills. Probably same for the rest of the week. Next week " I will work harder" as Boxer said.

Lizard person continues:

My experience with the golden XPT had shaken me. Obviously I had some sort of 'trip' but there was more to it than just that. These were pre google days and the font of all knowledge for me was the Mitchell Library. From there I learned the legend of the Rainbow Serpent that more or less covered the whole of Australia and was regarded as its highest deity but was well recorded in the Royal National Park. Had I somehow seen the Rainbow Serpent?

I spoke to a few friends and asked them to accompany me. One, whose wife was Indonesian forbade him citing a similar legend from Java and she didn't want to lose him. The rest we equally hesitant. So I planned my return for a moonlit night early in April I think and with my helpful buddha stick.

On the night I arrived back it was cloudy but I'd brought a big flash light. I tried to retraced my steps from the large stream and I soon realised I was going the right direction as I ascended the hill. Almost at the top I found the stone stairway though now it was badly eroded and showed little resemblance to the well cut stairway I had climbed. Even the side posts that were quite elegant looked like badly weathered stone. Fear was now my main concern and I plodded forward hardly able to breathe. When I reached the edge of the plateau I was immobilized by fear and I could go no further. About 200 metres ahead of me was my destiny and I was certain the creature would be there but I couldn't move neither back nor forward.

I went inside myself and found a remnant from my childhood and limited indoctrination by my grandmother. She had taught me to say 'the Lord's prayer' to myself when I was scared and I found myself muttering it very quietly. Amazingly my courage returned and I began crossing the plateau towards the cliff face where I had seen my XPT. About half way there I realised I had nothing to fear and I began laughing. There was a break in the clouds and there was a single planet above me, watching, I thought it was Saturn, looking down at me the soul performer. Interestingly I just noticed you can pronounced Saturn as Satan. Must have been Mars my mother.

My fear had completely gone so I lay down there on the plateau and went to sleep looking at the planet. When I awoke in the morning I saw that I was on a walking track named something like the word 'courage'. Track of Courage is what I read.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 72        pf

Weight 103.3 kg same as 2 days ago.  Blood/glucose 7.3 mmol/L. Here comes the bummer BP 146/85 pulse 84.

Saw Sarah the vodafone lady today. She said "you're fading away" and smiled. And this morning I had no gut at all. Weird.

Fallen in love with Red Lea Chicken. Their 2 crumbed thighs for $5 is so delicious.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 71  pf

Fluctuations.  Weight 103.7 kg.  Blood/glucose 7.6 mmol/L. BP 149/82 pulse 82.

Little bit of alarm bells going off especially as my gut is also making a return though I can see it's pure liquid. This isn't fat this is ballast. One 5 day fast and its all gone again for another couple of weeks. So whats its purpose?

Just 3 nights ago I fell down some concrete steps while taking out the garbage in the dark and somehow landing underneath the back end of a car parked in the driveway. I hit the hard ground with some force yet I wasn't injured at all. My youngest reckoned it's because I'm a lizard person.

Had a look at Real Bills and immediately saw its huge potential. How amazing it is. I have an idea how to get it some interested partners. Will talk to some of my contacts in the metal engineering trade tomorrow.

When I was living in Woollahra some 30 odd years ago I sometimes went trekking through the Royal National Park between Cronulla and Wollongong taking a few days sleeping in the bush or on one of the beaches, fishing and cooking over a driftwood fire. It was good for the soul.

Once I found a hidden Arcadia deep in the densest part of the undergrowth far from the walking tracks where a small stream meandered  through a miniature beach and in places was deep enough to allow me to swim underwater. Just perfect. I never felt safe enough to strip off before but I did here and slept on the warm golden sand after having a nice little smoke from a Thai buddha stick.

My long sleep was interrupted by a large fly of a sort I'd never seen before. It looked like a common English Blue Bottle but it was much much bigger and with a beautiful golden orb in the centre of each wing. It was getting late and I had plans in Sydney that night so I followed the stream until I reached a small road then headed north.

I'd been walking for some time and I came to a checkpoint near the entrance of the park and I saw 2 police cars parked there. I figured they were looking for planters and as I had some seeds in my stick I figured it would be wiser to skirt around them so I headed back into the scrub and came out in a picnic area further up the hill.

There was a big family BBQ in progress and my furtive movements saw some of the diners call out to the police even though they were quite some way away. I could hear their cars start up so I ran as fast as I could towards the hill jumping over a fairly wide stream and racing through the bushes all the time going up the hill.

I heard them yelling something to me but I just kept going. Eventually I'd left them far behind and I continued to climb through the scrub towards the top. Being a bit puffed out I looked for an easier route and suddenly I came across some stone steps with 2 stone posts on either side carved out of the natural stone. There was only about 10 steps in all but someone had recently carved them from the rock, that was obvious.

The steps lead onto a animal track which lead onto a large plateau where I stopped to get my bearings. All I could see was this large open space with lots of bushes that had been pulled out of the ground for some strange reason. And I had no idea where I was.

There was a small cliff face towards the end of the flat land and I could see about 200 metres away that something shiny was there so I headed towards it. As I approached I realised it was the XPT, an inter city express train but I could only see the engine, the rest was hidden behind the cliff face. Why was a yellow XPT up here? I knew of no train lines on top of large hills anywhere in that area.

As I was walking I was trying to make out the markings on the side of the engine. The marking seemed to move so I stopped to get a clearer view. To my horror they weren't markings, they were an eye, a huge eye and it was attached to a huge head the size of the XPT train. I froze.

For some reason I figured it was a 4 toed skink, a very large one at that. They look just like snakes except the have 4 legs and I remembered that they hunt by listening for the vibrations of their prey through the 4 toed pads on their feet. I stayed still for about 3 minutes I think until I was sure it hadn't seen or heard me. Then I carefully stepped backwards avoiding twigs.

After about 20 metres I was close to some scrub going over the edge of the hill so I turned and ran and jumped over the edge and rolled through the scrub until I could get up and just kept jumping downwards about 5-10 metres at a time. This time I gone over a different way from whence I came and at the bottom I came across a small billabong with a recess into the cliff face and I hid in there for about 30 minutes until it got dark.

Now I realised why so many bushes were uprooted on the plateau.

After walking through the scrub as quietly as possible on a moonless night for about 30 minutes I think I came across the main Illawarra railway line to Wollongong so I followed it until I came to Waterfall station. I frightened the ticket clerk because I came from behind to get a ticket and the only entrance was from in front which he was usually watching plus I probably looked a bit dishevelled.

Once I got back to Sydney I made plans to return. And I did and what happened was totally unexpected.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 70  post fast

 Weight increases to 103.3 kg. I suppose there is the possibility that 101 kg was my optimum weight level so by increasing my food intake even for just one day I might have flipped Richard Johnson's 'Fat Switch' so theoretically I should now increase my weight ad infinitum. We'll soon see.

Blood/glucose still respectable at 7.6 mmol/L.  BP looks towards the heavens again 144/82 pulse 76.

Tomorrow I will start to review the working ability of CashRamRealBills. This is a working prototype of the first ever digital discount system built for decimal gold and silver currencies.

It will be required to produce amounts of profit like never seen before, profit for all participants everywhere.

This will be the backbone of the coming golden age. The investments I make with this will pay for a series of 1,000 rooms hotels orbiting high above the Earth.

And eventually for my trip to Mars.

And then maybe beyond.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 69    pf

As I said yesterday 'I ate a lot' and sure enough weight went to 102.3 kg,  0.6 kg gain.

Blood/glucose remained reasonable at 7.4 mmol/L. BP is a mystery at 128/82 pulse 80.

Have to get some sleep.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 68   pf

Again weight  101.6 kg.  Must change tomorrow. I've hardly stopped eating all day.

Blood/glucose 7.4 mmol/L same as yesterday.

BP sudden drop 121/75 pulse 77. See what I mean? BP does not make sense when this sort of thing happens.

Back in 2009 I built an alternative patent system at that hopefully will come into its own sometime this year.

It is my belief that the existing patent system keeps most of the world poor because innovation is stifled and monopolies hold reign over too much of the world's wealth. The long life of patents granted only to those who can afford to keep a large legal department whose sole job is protect the monopoly practises of its pay master, keeps 95% of the world on the edge of poverty. This is not how the world works best.

One of the great innovations of the western business system was the legal introduction of the 40 hour week shortly after the WW2  though many countries had implemented shorter hours over 100 years ago for skilled labour many unskilled worked much longer without compensation. What was discovered if workers had a decent income and shorter working time then consumerism became a driver of economies. Many companies rely on Christmas present buying to post a profit so the religious significance is overshadowed by its commercial importance. What this indicates is that a much shorter working week could be of great benefit to employers as well as employees.

Henry Ford's doubling of his workers wages to $5 a day and the lowering of their hours worked to 40 had such an impact on Ford Motor Company that within 3 years they more than doubled their profit. Other manufacturers soon followed suit.

In today's restrictive and regressive working methods few employers could afford to double employees wages and lower their working hours. This can be blamed fully and squarely on the existing patent system which hinders innovation and thereby production methods and costs. Not until the existing patent system is taken out of government hands and placed into the hands of industry with a maximum grant of no more than 5 years can the restrictive monopolies be brought to heel.

We must prepare for the coming robot societies. We must prepare for greater leisure. We must prepare for living to 150-200 years. We must prepare for unprecedented wealth.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 67     pf

This exercise in whatever appears to have gone exceedingly well if the outcome wanted is a stable weight, BP and blood/glucose but there is more to this than meets my eye at the moment.

Even so weight is still 101.6 kg. Blood/glucose 7.4 mmol/L and BP 139/88 pulse 76. All good figures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 66   pf

Weight still 101.6 kg.  BP 140/76 pulse 80. Okay I guess. Blood/glucose going up again at 7.8 mmol/L but still within the good range.

Can't think of anything to write.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 65   pf

Weight 101.3 kg. Still hanging around the 101 mark. Maybe I should call this blog 'Fasting 101'.

Blood/glucose 6.6 mmol/L. Lovely.

BP 126/77 pulse 80 even more lovely. Its so weird the way my BP changes. One day it's off to the Moon next day fine. Just fine.

So what gives? I don't know. Does'nt make sense.

But wealth does. I hope.

Tithe and Tithing. Since time immemorial humans has paid roughly 10 % of their worth or yearly earnings to someone else in exchange for something such as peace or protection or acceptance into a specific group such as a religion. Tithing is the reason many religions exist. It's a showtime spectacular and many attended their church hoping to get a glimpse of God inside His own house and often they got to breathe in some fragrance laced with a mild psychedelic that let them see whatever they wanted. Nothing like satisfied customers to keep the business end of things going especially if the competition was strong.

Criminal gangs gave a nice variation of the tithe game by getting lots of people to buy 'lottery' tickets voluntarily and then using preset random numbers would pay back 60% of total earnings and keeping 40% for themselves.  Very profitable and much sort after. Even back in the 14 century this was supposedly known as the Italian Numbers Game.

So in truth all religions, all insurance policies, all taxation, all lotteries is a form of gambling hoping for a better life or death. Imagine the relief that comes from knowing your body and soul will be buried in 'consecrated grounds' so Satan can't drag it down in hell to be tortured forever. Some people pay big money for that.

So whenever you get money accumulating it tends to 'bank' up in neat piles of banks of money. Money banks. Banks. And if the banks of money get too high then lend it out and charge Interest or use a Discount.

Now the greatest invention bankers made was that it was possible to make money breed. Money makes money through gambling and the earliest banking messages was invest your money wisely (minimum risk) and it will return you extra money.

The first banking advertisement appears in the Bible when Matthew 25:29  says either you invest your money or you will lose it. And this is good. It helps commerce and creates a circulating currency without which we all die of starvation. But back then Interest was a big NO NO. Only the devil uses Interest. Wise men make profit using Discount. So what's the difference? The difference is the amount of risk involved.

The old religions had lots of experience with both Interest and Discount because they were the peoples banks and they noted that they often lost money if they lent it out on a Interest repayment system but if they lent it out on a Discount repayment system then they usually did better. This was maybe to do with their own greed. Compound interest is more exciting than simple interest and only the 'bankers' were trained in mathematics so only they and some of the Elites knew what was going on. The Sanskrit Sunya or zero was added to calculations by Brahmagupta in the 7th century but it took the travelling diasporic Jewish bankers about 300 years to introduce it to European clients to enable decimal compound interest repayments.

Robbery. By the banks for the banks. As always. Actually they are just following their creed to let the money get together and hopefully breed. But unfortunately large amounts of unemployed money doesn't breed. It creates poverty on a grand scale. Money needs to circulate and only gold is real money and at the moment it is not circulating at all. But it soon will be.

So in the 20's the 'bankers' came up with a great idea. Create artificial money (by fiat) and call it credit. Credit can be created out of thin air so if it fails it can disappear almost as easily as it was created. And credit works best with Interest, much bigger returns through bigger gambles. Credit allows money to be loaned out with very little paperwork especially if it's money used to build a house, a theoretical very tangible asset. In contrast Discount works best with gold (solid, hard money) so as it is more valuable than credit backed paper money and is best employed in projects that offer a guarantee that they will succeed such as in food production. People will always buy food.

Possibly the greatest amount of wealth ever collected was by Victorian England who used gold and the Discount system of money propagation called the Real Bill Doctrine as elucidated by Adam Smith in his 1776 book 'The Wealth of Nations' as their blueprint. As excessive credit always fails then at some point the world has to return to gold and Discount even if only for 50 odd years.

See more examples of Discount and Interest at:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day  64   pf

Today has been an eye opener.   Yesterday I drank 1 litre of Solo 32% sugar and 750mls of Bundaberg Ginger Ale 45% sugar and my blood/glucose has been zooming today from 12.3 mmol/L down to 7.7 mmol/L over a period of 16 hours. So much for my diabetes cure. Funny though there was no smell of honey.

Weight went down 1.3 kg to 100.3 kg. Did the sugar burn up more water? Interesting.

A bit of a rise in BP 142/83 Pulse 77 .

 As noted previously religions are a magnificent way to make real money.

The oldest religion is the Jewish one so Jews have been collecting wealth for around 4,000 years though they have lost it all a few times over. At the moment they are possible at one of their higher points. They did well out of reparations from WW2 and their sons have been the backbone of the US film industry since the 30's but the Japanese have taken a fair share of the pickings since the 80's. Still their brothers in the UK control most of the worlds banking system though if the truth be known possibly that's more of a liability than an asset right now with the approaching GFC 2.

Because since WW1 banks have been allowed on patriotic grounds to list War Bonds at face value instead of actual value banks account records have been in decline for over 100 years so many banks are technically bankrupt and have been since 2008. They have been glued together by quantitative easing but the glue is very runny and any hot day soon they will all come unstuck. Only gold can sort this problem out and fortunately the Sons of Israel probably own as much as 35% of the world's gold and probably much of it is stored under the streets of the City of London, a square mile of banks and pleasure. A city state within a state, same as the Vatican where coincidently the world's oldest banking system still exists.

The Nicholas the 5th building next to the Pope's Palace is the bank of the Roman Catholic Church. It too has been looted a few times since the first Pope St Peter previously known as Saul the banker started the Christian religion 2000 odd years ago. At the moment it appears to be in a bit of a mess with the last pope quitting mid term because he had little control over the Curia, the Mafia affiliated governing body who run the bank now known as the IOR as both a criminal organization laundering illegal proceeds and as the collector of alms for the poor who rarely see any of it.

Actually it is probably no worse than Goldman Sachs or J P Morgan both who conduct nefarious activities with it under the cloak of the US Federal Reserve Bank. Might even be cleaner. Their dislike for theft had them execute a thieving colleague by hanging him from the Blackfriars Bridge in the City of London in 1982.
Swift symbolic justice Mafia style.

Now bankers are no more crooked than anyone else trying to make a quid in a highly competitive industry, its just they make more so it is noticed more. But ask a banker what's the difference between Discount and Interest and he'd be hard pressed to give a lucid answer for now but soon he's going to know exactly what it is if he wants to survive.

Up until about the 15 century all 3 religions officially banned Interest also known as usury. This might have had something to do with the Miracle of Compound Interest. Usury means making excessive profit and for lenders compound interest probably had more Jews killed by Gentiles than anything else. And it all had something to do with Zero.

More tomorrow maybe.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 63    pf

Weight continues at 101.6 kg.  Blood/glucose still good at 6.9 mmol/L. BP starting to act silly again. 144/83 pulse 79. Must be something to do with the amount of liquid in the stomach increasing the pressure inside the stomach so the BP is actually not a measurement of the blood pressure per se but a measurement of the interior pressure of the stomach via the pressure exerted on the arteries and veins by the required pump pressure of the heart. So coming back from the lungs after depositing their oxygen the blood cells are not so full so take up less space returning with CO2 in the veins. And not forgetting that CO2 is taking away a carbon atom.
"This allowed them to come up with the final figure of 84 percent of a fat molecule’s atoms being exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent ending up as water."

 I'm missing something here. So a diuretic increases the amount of water being urinated thereby decreasing the stomach pressure on the blood vessels but in the process it makes the remaining urine more concentrate which in turn helps make more uric acid resulting in gout. I'm fed up with health. I'm going back to wealth.

Tomorrow maybe.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 62  pf

I know it's too early to say this with any certainty but the current projection of my weight gain stabilization (101.2 kg) over the last 10 days coupled with a low blood/glucose (6.3 mmol/L) by themselves could indicate that I've possibly found Professor Richard Johnson's reset switch propounded in his book 'The Fat Switch'. And as predicted on Day 22 the answer for me is 42.

Just 42 days of fasting using 900 -1200 mg of Allopurinol a day can stabilize weight for a 71 year old man who's starting weight was 113 kg and resulting in a finishing weight of 101 kg. Plus an apparent recovery from diabetes mellitus (honey) type 2.
Note: You can smell the honey in the urine of a diabetic. No, I never felt the urge to taste it.

Now the BP ( 137/76 pulse 79 ) seems to be of less importance as long as the weight and blood/glucose is good. I often take 2 or more BP measurements and the variation in the systolic (higher one) can be as much as 40 but the diastolic as long as it remains around 80 appears to be the more important indicator.  According to my ex-doctor (as of today), ( he lost his cool when I tried to tell him about the NIH research paper showing how Allopurinol is the only known treatment for pre-eclampsia poor fellow.) that in the past the diastolic was considered the more important. Me thinks it still is.

Last but not least in the morning if I don't eat I can jest squeeze my gut into the 42 inch belt hole as hoped for also on Day 22.

Tonight I was going to write about the world's oldest banking system but I'm a bit tired. Later. Maybe.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day  61  pf

Here we go, weight back down to 100.6 kg.

Blood/glucose 6.5 mmol/L.   BP 132/68  pulse 77. Watch this space.

The creation of wealth is our basic method of survival. Without wealth there is no profit and no profit means no money and a lack of money is the root of all evil.

Our need to accumulate a 'working capital' is essential if the objective is to increase our share of freedom and improve our chances of reproduction, after all it's all about reproduction. And even the final act of reproduction is an immense competition between sperms and competition lurks where you lest expect it. The shape of the head of the penis, known as the helmet, is designed not only to project its missiles deep towards their target but to also scoop out any competitors.

So what are the chances of accumulating sufficient 'working capital' even before we attempt to utilize it to produce profit? Negligible really if our sole means of income is from working as a 'vassal' for someone else. But this is the clue. The most common way of getting together capital is by employing someone to produce profit then paying them a percentage of what they earn and use what's left to to add to the 'working capital' fund. Day Labourers are the simplest form of this method. This is where union heavies will always be found. Just more competition.

Possibly most business failures occur within 3 years of start up and the number 1 cause of failure is probably insufficient 'working capital'. Insufficient to last the onslaught of competitors. Surprisingly this figure is around 60% of startups and the competition most ignored is from family requiring attention. Especially from wives with small children.

The consequential failure of a marriage can destroy any incentive to keep going which is a paradox when the main reason to start a business was to make the family more secure. So the time involved to promote a business must be calculated against the backdrop of a possible failed marriage. Remember when money stops coming through the door love goes out the window.

Tomorrow the difference between Interest and Discount and modern banking.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 60   pf

Possibly, just possibly, my weight has reached its zenith. Or there abouts. There is a marked decline from yesterday of 1.1 kg to the grand figure of 101.3 kg.

Blood/glucose also down to 6.4 mmol/L.  Even BP was down to 113/74, pulse 84. I'll live to be 471 yet.

Might keep going with this blog for another 24 days. Finding it hard to write about anything that isn't associated with health. Bored by health. Want to concentrate on wealth. Time to become extremely wealthy. Now that cheers me up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 59 pf

I've been ill with the flu and bronchitis these last few days and was fairly heavily dosed up with antibiotics and codeine derivatives so...

Weight includes 2 x constipation 102.4 kg or 0.8 gain.  Blood/glucose at 6.9 mmol/L yipee. BP 147/80 pulse 90. Scarey.

I'm back taking 600 mg of Allopurinol a day and I really don't know why unless I think it could make me more something or another.

Got permission today to take 3 months holiday starting Feb23rd. Have to promote CashRamSpam.

Times are a running out.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 58  pf

 Once more the weight stays the same at 101.6 kg. Hopefully it is some sort of leveling out going on.

Blood/glucose setback at 8.6 mmol/L. Could see a return to diabetes in the near future.

Strange BP drops 20 points 118/74 pulse 97 as blood/glucose goes up. Have to watch this.

Just bought 154 iodine tablets of 130 mg strength for US$120 from Ambex USA for nuclear radiation protection. Though as much as I don't think it will happen I need to take precautions as Putin is being forced into a corner and all of Russia is pushing him forward. Poor bastard. He's for the chop and he must know it by now so he could do something really stupid like start a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere now he believes Russia has superior nuclear weaponry.

Plus at that 130 mg dosage they might just stop breast cancer. Never know who's going to get tit. I see the DEA has stopped kilo gram sales of iodine by reclassifying it from List 2 to List 1, 2 years after it became known to have major therapeutic advantages.  I wonder who helped them make that decision?

Also great for colds and longer living and I can't see why I can't live for another 400 years. Maybe longer as long as I don't have a significant price on my head by then.

David Sinclair the scientist originally from UNSW Sydney, alarmed a lot of American AMA members when he disclosed that he had discovered what caused the ageing process. The trials he started to test his theories on sirtuins called SIRTS 3 and 4 were shut down before completion and much debate raged regarding his belief he was on to something that could stop people from ageing.

Can you imagine the panic. No old people. Old people keep many doctors and associate industries employed. Old people generate enough work to account for something like 20% of any Socialist economy. When Hitler killed all the insane and permanently infirm in German hospitals he came close to killing the German economy as well because so many people were suddenly out of a job. So he put them to work building bombs which also killed people or by killing healthy people who owned 7 candle candelabras. There was roughly 6 million of them.

But Sinclairs not the only one to run foul of the various AMA's though the American one is the biggest money maker. Any doctor who does not perform their treatment according to the guidelines issued by the governing bodies run a good chance of losing their permit to practise medicine. The guidelines are called the 'Standard Practice' and all must follow.

'Standard Practice'--and all must follow. Remember that. Very important.

So forget about Allopurinol stopping mothers dying from eclampsia.

Forget about Multiple Sclerosis being treated by CCSVI treatment. My God can you imagine the money made from MS sufferers alone-billions. The way they shut that idea down in the US and Canada and Australia was as good as the way the Federal Reserve keeps the price of gold artificially low. Stamp on it quickly like it was on fire.

But my favourite one of all, and there's lots of them, is-- HIV Aids.

Having read Peter Duesberg's book 'Inventing the Aids Virus' I have no doubts whatsoever that it is the greatest fraud ever brought into existence by the medical community. Putin would be proud to be part of this scam. Maybe he is already?

Duesberg has the distinction of being awarded a prize from the NIH for being the US of A's top medical researcher. Imagine their horror when he exposed the whole Aids thing as being 'jobs for the boys'. It's such a beautifully written book and reads like a super intelligent detective story that I'm not going to reveal anymore of the plot. Buy the book for yourself. He'll sign it if you ask him nicely.

By the way I noticed the other day that the $10,000 of gold I gave to my family to take to Japan is now worth roughly $11,000. Pity it's still in Japan.